… seit ich 14 Jahre alt bin und das ist nun schon ein paar Jahrzehnte her. 

Vor einigen Jahren habe ich angefangen unter meinem ältesten Pseudonym manchmal Fotos durch die sozialen Netzwerke zu schicken.

Vor einem Jahr hat Rafy, eine italienische Kuratorin, mich interviewt und interessante Fragen gestellt. Siehe unten. 

Rafy, thanks again – vielleicht wusste ich bis dahin gar nicht, was ich tat und mehr ist eigentlich auch nicht zu sagen. 

Ich habe noch zwei andere vollwertige Berufe und wenn es ein Dazwischen gibt oder eine Pause braucht, sortier ich die Bilder hier ein. Es sind Tausende, alles ist vorläufig und in Bewegung. 

All coming soon…  der Frühling dieses Jahr – sometimes it snows in April -, Zeit – immer:)) und das Ende von Corona.  

CC, 06.04.2021


Coming Soon



Please describe your photographic alphabet in three letters, let´s say the ABC of your shots.


Not sure, if I have sth like that. To take photos is a way of being for me. There is no concept and even less a professional goal. It feels, as if it’s implemented in my inner world. I have no choice. I am open for for the moment when sth attracts me. I am curious. 

I love it, how light is changing a scenery, light parties and the shy moments. Or when things happen accidentally, constellations you cant’t foresee. Together with the ability of cameras  to keep minimal fragments of a second: time stops for a moment. 

What I love most, is streetphotography. Very often I am to shy for it, but when I come over this moment, I  get lost in faces and body languages and all this things, that happen simultaeously. 

It’s an attempt to decode other peoples stories by the way they move and behave in cities. 




I’ve always looked at your photos with a lot of admiration but in particular always with a sense of surprise because they are all very different from each other. Generally I think this: there is nothing that Clara Cosmos cannot photograph.


It’s a little bit a problem all of my life to be interested in too many things.

I also love photos, films and pictures of others and I am really happy in exhibitions. I always ask myself: Am I doing this picture now, because I have seen it in a similar way before or am I doing it, because it’s here, in this moment, totally unique? That´s the eternal question and I am sure, I will never get an answer. It’s about the universe we have in our minds, about the small line between reality and reality created by a special way of perception. Is this way of perception pretermined or in a state of innocence?

I don´t think that it has any importance what I am doing, I am just suprised again and again from what we call reality. I don´t care, if anybody sees my pictures or not. Through the years I have so many photos, that I am often surprised b ymyself, what I find. It was nice to discover that there is a great community of photo lovers on twitter.



You switch easily from color to b / w. You even manage to give a color to the fog and make it so fascinating in your shots. Are the colors in the photo the representation of a mood or more a stylistic choice?


May be there is an intuitive concept. I don´t know it. I just start to do anything. In that sense it’s right – it’s the mood of a moment very often in correspondence with music. 

When I was around 14, I got the darkroom from my grandfather and I was very puristic in b/w for a very long time. 

Who said “Life is color, but black and white is more realistic?” 

I went the reverse way. One day I remembered how much I love colors.

The path is always between the lines, let’s hope that is doesn’t end up in salad.